Clubs can file cases in PFF NC Appeal Committee: The News

Clubs can file cases in PFF NC Appeal Committee: The News
Clubs can file cases in PFF NC Appeal Committee: The News

Clubs Have Option to File Cases if Fake FIFA IDs Issued: PFF Normalisation Committee Official

An official from the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) Normalisation Committee revealed that clubs have the option to raise concerns regarding the issuance of FIFA IDs to fake clubs. Clubs can bring their cases to the Appeal or Disciplinary Committee for further investigation.

Haji Saeed, a prominent figure in Balochistan’s football scene, disclosed that he had alerted the NC about the presence of fake clubs within the system. Saeed estimated that around 40 to 45 clubs were manipulating the system to gain voting rights by recruiting players from different areas temporarily.

Expressing his reservations, Saeed emphasized the need for transparency in club registrations and the prevention of clubs exploiting the system for personal gain. He advocated for new clubs to be registered but cautioned against granting them immediate voting rights.

Furthermore, Saeed highlighted the challenges faced by clubs in opening bank accounts due to restrictions imposed by banking institutions. The issue has been brought to the attention of the NC, urging them to provide assistance to clubs in this matter.

Regarding club scrutiny, the NC official confirmed that the process had been completed in 110 districts, including major cities like Quetta, Karachi, and parts of KP and Punjab. However, security concerns in certain Balochistan districts have hindered the team’s movements, leading to potential delays in the remaining scrutiny process.

Notably, the NC’s team expressed reluctance to visit high-risk areas like Kohlu, Barkhan, and Dera Bugti in Balochistan due to security apprehensions. Despite the challenges, the official assured that elections would adhere to the constitution, with eligible clubs participating based on established criteria.

Key stakeholders across provinces are anticipating the electoral list for district elections, with some expressing intentions to seek legal recourse if new clubs are granted voting rights. A football expert underscored the importance of clubs proving their playing strength and sustainability over time before being granted voting rights.

Overall, the situation surrounding club registrations and voting rights in Pakistani football remains a subject of scrutiny and potential legal action as stakeholders await further developments post-general elections.

Denis Hardin

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