Troussier tarnishes Park legacy; Vietnam’s golden generation wanes

Troussier tarnishes Park legacy; Vietnam’s golden generation wanes

The Impact of Coach Troussier on Vietnamese Football and the Legacy of Mr. Park

Football News (China) has criticized coach Philippe Troussier for destroying the legacy left by former Vietnamese coach Park Hang-seo. Troussier’s track record with the Vietnamese team includes consecutive losses in the 2023 Asian Cup and World Cup qualifiers, prompting concerns about his coaching abilities. Football News highlighted Troussier’s frequent dismissals or resignations due to poor performance post his success in Japanese football, indicating a decline in his coaching prowess.

In contrast, U23 Vietnam’s new coach, Hoang Anh Tuan, admitted drawing inspiration from Troussier’s playing style, emphasizing ball control and short passes. Tuan revealed similarities in philosophy with Troussier, stating that both coaches advocate for a dynamic and offensive gameplay strategy suitable for Vietnamese players.

Looking ahead, commentator Vu Quang Huy advocated for hiring foreign coaches to revitalize the national team following Troussier’s disappointing tenure. Huy suggested potential candidates such as Velizar Popov, Chu Dinh Nghiem, Vu Hong Viet, Kiatisuk, and even a return for former coach Park Hang-seo to lead Vietnam on a new trajectory.

On a sobering note, South Korean coach Shin Tae-yong opined that Vietnam’s “Golden Generation” of players is on the wane, following Indonesia’s recent victory over the Vietnamese side. He lauded Indonesia’s burgeoning young talent, stressing the age advantage of their squad compared to Vietnam’s aging lineup.

Amidst these critiques and challenges, there was a glimmer of hope for Vietnamese football as striker Pham Tuan Hai prepared to return to the national team after recovering from an injury setback. The potential return of the dynamic forward raised expectations for the upcoming match against Nam Dinh, signaling a possible revitalization for the Vietnamese team.

As the footballing world scrutinizes Vietnam’s future direction, the decision-making at the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) looms large, with the imperative to secure a competent coach at the helm to navigate the team through turbulent waters ahead. The narrative of Vietnamese football remains in flux, with key decisions awaited to steer the team toward success in future competitions.

Denis Hardin

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