Lion City Sailors Welcome Back Favorite Son Song Uiyoung

Lion City Sailors Welcome Back Favorite Son Song Uiyoung

Song Uiyoung Returns Home to Lion City Sailors

Song Uiyoung returned to Lion City Sailors Training Centre with a wide smile, happy to be back home. His career post-Sailors took him to Thailand and Indonesia, where he gained valuable experience. Despite challenges, Song values the growth and learning from his time abroad. As a senior player, he looks forward to mentoring young talents in the team.

At 31, Song aims to finish his career with the Sailors, aspiring to win domestic trophies and excel in the ACL2. He is eager to step onto the Bishan Stadium pitch again, donning the white and blue colours, and is grateful for the fans’ unwavering support. His reunion with the club signals a new chapter filled with determination and commitment towards achieving success together.

Mohamed Suez

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